Come and Join us!
Guildford Opera Company rehearses on Wednesdays from 7.30 to 10.00 at Merrow Methodist Church Hall, Bushy Hill Drive, Guildford, GU1 2SH. Additional rehearsals usually take place on the three Sunday afternoons immediately before our main performances which normally take place in November at the Electric Theatre in Guildford.
The experience of performing opera on stage is exciting and rewarding, and although it is an advantage to be able to read music, it is not vital. Indeed, some of the chorus members only have basic skills in this area. This is taken into account in rehearsals, and we also provide MP3/CDs for each voice part. Our Music Director will also provide personal advice following an initial assessment of your voice.
Our annual membership fee is currently £50 (covering the costs of rehearsals), and is payable for each calendar year. There is also a show fee of £50 which contributes towards the cost of putting on a production. There is a charge for music scores, usually a small hire fee.
Finally, we will make you very welcome! We have a full and varied social programme.
Further details are available from the Membership secretary. Please see Contact page.